[Excerpt: Dante: Dante never really hated aliens except for one species.]
What does the Emperor think of the Eldar?
[Excerpt Dark Heresy – Church of the Damned] Minor religious relics in Calixis.
Why are there no Order gods?
The Emperor sparing and saving Angron despite his protests is a testament to his pragmatic brutality, not a mark against it. If Angron persisted, we would have another missing Primarch to homebrew
How advanced is the Eldar tech compared to other races?
So seeing this on a video about getting the platinum, now I see I did the right choice by dropping Youngblood without 100%
So the Necrons want to be flesh again.
Could a dead Primarch return via the legion of the Damned?
There is no reason to retcon fulgrim
Day 446 of everyone is a Junya! by IDW skk
In the grim darkness of the far future there are no stupid questions!
So, how people capture the cutscenes on the game?
What are your personal 40k theories that aren’t canon but that you like to believe are.
but…but mein fuhrer didnt actually hate the Slavs 🥺 (he just thought they were untermensch barbarians who deserved to die)
What is the warhammer afterlife like?
How many of you actually play the tabletop game?
What happens if the great rift consumes the galaxy
[Excerpt] Deathwatch the Outer Reach The Tau are interested in Necron technology
Why the Iron Warrior don't use Obliterator to mass produced Volkite-Weapon ?
[Excerpt: Deathwatch The First Founding, The Outher Reach] An ancient force awakes, and it does not belong to any of the major factions.
Why did the Emperor keep to the BC/AD chronology but remove all other religious references in culture?
Is Tzeentch really evil ?
Why Salamanders have no problem with that?
There's gay/les in the Imperium? Nice