Anyone else have absolutely zero desire to bother with Artian weapons?
Change Controller Layout to more Souls like
My Elemental bulid for db
How much does matching a weapon's element to a boss weakness matter?
Do you guys listen to any other genres and do metalheads make fun of you for it?
Anyone else get real emotional sometimes when playing?
I love powerplex
I’m going to hunt Yians to extinction.
What are peoples thoughts on Artian weapons
I’m hoping to see this guys appear in future updates:
What do you think of pictures like this?
Do people still hate on Linkin Park?
I got 100% achievements
"Game is too easy" Please tell me I'm not the only one getting rekt by "the thing with 6 tentacles"
I really fucking hate this chicken
I love Rathian
Bow build HR 45. What’re we thinking?
Alma is my Queen now.
My thoughts on the game being "Easy"
Is Taproot nu metal?
Bad performance
Is the performance for monster hunter wilds really that bad
Reviewers aren’t talking about Monster Hunter Wilds on Base PS5 Xbox X and S poor performance enough
What is the worst nu-metal song ever written?
I have never come across this before. Anyone know what this is? tia.