Cybertrucks Were Supposed to Rule the Roads. Why Doesn’t Anyone Want Them Anymore? High expectations, meet harsh realities.
Say something positive about a JRPG you didn't like.
Is this a normal sound?
O que é feito do Nilton?
First time flying by a cliff. Looking for suggestions
Would a 70-200mm f2.8 meaningfully improve this kind of photography?
Is this a fair market price for the work?
Valentina Gomez, who ran for election for Missouri Secretary of State and lost in the Republican primary advocates for public executions
What's better between Ys I & 2 chronicles + and Chrono Trigger?
Maçonaria volta em força ao poder: ligações no Governo, na oposição e em instituições de topo do Estado
Who draw this T-shirt?? You are here, aren't you?
i want this t-shirt
Mensagem de um WC do intermarché
Tio Patinhas no olx 🦆
$100M Political Favor!!!
Qual o momento da política portuguesa que mais vos impactou?
Há alternativas ao caça F-35? As várias opções de Portugal em cima da mesa
I survived the GREATEST recession in non-war times in history. People investing in US have no idea what a REAL crash means.
Subsonic device used on the crowd today in Belgrade,making them feel as if a train Was coming toward them. Its called LRAD.
What's a JRPG with tons of fan hype, but you struggle to get into?
ID.EVERY1: é este o novo modelo da Volkswagen que vai ser produzido em Portugal - TVI Notícias
Estrangeiros já representam 41% das reclamações por corte no subsídio de desemprego
Elon Musk Claims He Could Land Humans on Mars in 4 Years
Jorge Miranda defende que Portugal só deixe entrar imigrantes que falem português