How many words did your 13m old know?
I think the part of my brain that knew how to make small talk came out with my placenta
The changes after 18 months has been incredible
Give me all your “just waits”
Every job pays $250,000 a year for full time employment. What job do you take?
How many times have you had a night to yourself?
Describe what parenting is like for you right now in one word.
What does my fridge and freezer say about me?
What does my mom’s fridge say about her?
Assume 3 things about me based on my fridge
stoked on their nurseries
My daughter has never been sick. How screwed am I?
Reformed Jewish families, how are you celebrating Shabbat?
My daughter wants me to rename her!
Is there a group for parents of THOSE toddlers?
For those of you who have toddlers that hate veggies even though you constantly eat them in front of them…how are you hiding veggies in food? I need more ideas!
Why should Israel want a ceasefire ?
Should I Get My Phlebotomy License Before Starting Nursing School?
Second hand grief
Tell me something random your toddler “doesn’t let” you do… I’ll go first.
Obsessed with food
How is your body after having one child?
What was the 1st game you remember playing on a desktop computer?
Do you enjoy going down on women?
Something your toddler mispronounces that's too dangerous cute?