Favorite drink?
All of the French Generals in French Generals Overhaul: Redux Version 2.3
Allright guys, who is your favorite historical figure and what Pokémon would you give them?
I haven’t caught up on the lore for a while but who tf is this?
North America in Vive l'Empereur!
What if Obama really, REALLY liked change?
Giuseppe has my utmost trust as our great nation's leading nuclear researcher.
What if Britain Was Populated by Fantasy Races?
Europe in 1920 after Italy fought for the Central Powers in 1914
This is a hostage Situation: Stop slandering the Tricolors or I'm going to turn your beloved "original" flags into one
It is saturated
A very different indian independence
1944 German federal election
Everywhere I go I see his face
i wanna look sweet and pass as a girl so bad but i never will
Top comment adds something to the map|Day 16|Weekly_Tonight8258 added Sub Equatorial Africa
History Lesson
Biden won't declare a dictatorship after losing the election, right? Right?
Harharhar vs Huehuehue
Flag of California if it was colonized by a Qing Dynasty that spoke English
Where is the ball?