Kendick 👍
What is a weirdly specific compliment you’ve received that stuck with you?
To swear it wasn't a Nazi Salute.
The hypocrisy is astounding.
Fuck you
This is what real loyalty looks like :
Man fights Off two Guys Trying To Jump Him
No lies told…the beef is aging in favor of Drake for real
You have to jiggle the handle.
Holy Shit Man… This Song is Incredible
Imma just leave this here
It's still a Cole 🌎 🥶
Equal rights and equal lefts
[deleted by user]
Man intervenes after colleague is hit with bottle while relaxing after an event in South Africa
To skate in peace
Woman tries to stop dude from skateboarding to protect her city
Water is not wet
Doctor: You're retarded
Completely shaved my hair off after years of struggle with atrocious hairline. How do I look, people?
One Slap Man!
How to move a Gemsbok without getting killed.
The double standards..
So….. was there any truth in Pandor’s propaganda on this? Or was she just paid to ?
Girlfriend told me I was losing hair during an argument... was she lying?
Olympic breakdance: Japan vs China
A quick pierogi flip