If you could ask Elon Musk anything, what would it be?
Peter who is that why is he not going to heaven
Peter translate to english
If ULTRAKILL got a movie, and had to be named after either a song or a level and couldn't just be named "ULTRAKILL", what song or level would you name it after?
Peter I thought Dragon Ball Super villains were like Frieza and Zamasu not animals and food and aliens and appliances
Why did Dr Gero make Cell if he knew Cell would kill everyone
DBS Broly Movie is simply the best piece of media ever created. I dare you to find something better.
Dear fanartists, it is entirely valid to depict characters however you want.
trans harry potter vs maga voldemort (you can probably guess who won)
Why did Broly call himself a demon when he has no pointy ears? Is he uninformed?
he's trying his best :(
Petah??? I am not sharp-eyed
How sharp are jsharts eyes?
"Destroyed Goku Black"
What order do I watch Dragon Ball in?
What is this?
Why did I just get drive-by powerscaled?
Which Team Wins?
If you agreed with the outcome of this battle, why?
Name the last game you played, but slap "& Knuckles" at the end
Losercity challenge
Batman and Joker team up and get 6 months prep time, how far do they get in the gauntlet?
Peter why did the horse steal his thesaurus
I have never used profanity on reddit