What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done that you’ll never tell anyone in real life but can admit to strangers online?
What is your longest trip and share something you saw during the trip ?
What's a song that got you into an artist or genre you weren't a fan of prior?
If the dungeons began to influence our world with monsters appearing in cities, what power would you want to get?
What are your childhood favourite shows?
"Continues" or "Culminates", we need to know!!!
Why you love Reddit?
What makes you feel most peaceful after a long tiring day?
What convinces you to watch/read something?
What's the most incomprehensible thing you've seen someone do out of respect for their religion?
What was the most memorable computer game from childhood?
What is your favorite fruit and why?
What do you do when you're dog tired to unwind?
The people who worked with rich people what’s the weirdest thing you saw ?
When did you realize the perception of your reality was way off?
What is your to go comfort food? And what makes it comforting?
What's a weird thing your partner does?
what would you want in the game.
Which one to play?
Rank 14
Lvling warlock
How was your first time in Teldrassil?
When ur fishing in peace and a Rogue goes stealth right after targeting you.
What Animal is this ?
I really hope Blizzard gives us more than 2 weeks to level our Draenei/Belfs for TBC pre-patch.