Pretty much.
20 years old school pic…
Cheyenne is a Princess 👸
When all 9min and 6sec of 'Hello Heaven, Hello' drops 🖤
I think live-action Pleakley looks horrifying. Is that just me??
What comedian has so much hype but you don’t think is actually funny?
Does anyone else above the young blood?I mean I literally can't without his music
I WAS RIGHT!!!!!!!
curly hair liam appreciation
I’m a [astro sign] that’s why I’m…
She really is ❤️
So, how’s everyone feeling
What is something that is extremely unhealthy but not commonly known?
Our new lava lamp had a surprise for us when we turned it on today
Poorly designed Spiderman balloon
I collected 12 more the other day oops🤷
Why are we like this 🙃
The Department of Fisheries in Hyderabad, India
Wicked is a rediculous and over inflated movie..
Hey guys, it's Jeff
Lonely Elon at SOTUS
Made this funny one on a safari tour. I wonder what he was thinking.
This is Fernando. He was 90% off at Dollar General today, I paid $2.
Pastel pencil on grey paper, portrait of Abraham Lincoln
willow loves her fresh tap water
If world war 3 does happen where’s the safest place to be at?