In 1980, identical triplets Robert Shafran, Eddy Galland and David Kellman were reunited by chance at Sullivan County Community College after being separated at birth
SLC show disappointment
Virginias friend on Devin ☕️
How do we feel about the show/guest as of late?
I’m over this season of LIB USA, what’s the next location?
I haven't really seen it talked about and if it has I'm very sorry but can anyone put their finger on Mary's changes?
What is the best documentary you have seen?
My 21 year old friend bought a flip phone & the nostalgia is strong with this one
Devin’s not a fan of his reunion look
Monica Sighting
Best Breast Augmentation + BBL surgeon in UT: Fryer, Yates, or Rose?
Keep or toss?
I’m cracking up at this shot of Dave
You can only pick one
What's the first major news story you can remember living through as a child?
Sock Bin!!! I apologize if this has been posted before.
Aquaphor on your face??
6 episodes of pods?
*Spoiler! Ben….
Monica’s Spider Pants
Which beard length suits me best?
Does anyone have any business casual clothes for a woman they can give a way?
Which major is better job market wise