Palumbo now has 4 spots on this list, winning P for “Put that in the fridgeratah.” What should Q be?
Top cringe of TCAP
When you as an actor can get your lines Chris will help.
Which tcap moment made you react like this?
Do I look like a dishonest, dirty person to you?
Wow. These ice cubes are home frozen?
You guys did it again, choosing “X-rated chat” for X! Now it’s time to pick a winner for Y!
to take an obvious hint from a horse
29 or…
MC Spiderman on the platform
What's your opinion on man buns?
Which of these ladies do you find the most attractive?
All he need is a moustache
The kids are not alright.
You’re Chris in this situation…
Palumbo has secured 5 spots on the list, winning U with “U WANT DO IT RAW”! What should V be?
Major Jeff Sokol Update!
I truly thought this subreddit was a joke
Common Starter vtg authentic?
What does the Shah of Iran drive?
The whiniest, most pathetic predator. convince me otherwise