What happens when a person doesn't tip in a restaurant in the US?
In the US, why is the Police demonized while the U.S. Military is idolized?
Is my name a tragedeigh
UNR Discord Servers?
Question, what vibe do you get when you hear names like Kinsley, Braelin and Dexter?
I hate math more than satan him fucking self!
What is your opinion that is controversial on Reddit, but almost universally supported in real life?
American classroom fight between a man and a woman
Is it natural to feel guilt after masturbating to porn?
Why does it feel like the “lefties” are people with morals?
When your boyfriend watches p*rn does it mean your not good enough ? I need male perspective
American hunting influencer removes baby wombat from distressed mother. Is this legal?
How come Trump was able to unite many people with varying right winged ideologies but left wingers can’t do that. Despite trump voter an argueably greater difference in ideology then left wingers?
What is morally acceptable in japan that is absolutely unacceptable in America?
How to let end a “relationship” after one date?
What is this flag my neighbor put up?
Speculations about Zeus
Men, what are the real keys to a woman’s heart?
Ok so what's the consensus now about approaching women?
Am I (f 20) at risk of being human trafficked if I meet my online boyfriend (m 19) in Mexico?
Is it normal for guys to want sex after less than 3 dates?
How bad will 3 summer classes be?
Is the bar really in hell?
Do you think you’re smart, dumb or just “average”?
Do I need to declare my airsoft gun and do I need a hard case to fly with an airsoft replica? (USA)