Does anyone else have an Ayatan Horror or is it just me
Don’t bother coming to Prof. Zhao’s MA103 Lectures
[Ember Prime] In the Quarantine Zone
i need skyrim inspired names
This dude did not approve of my new Magma Man build
I am done with Corsair! Every product has a fault.
Is it Weird to Want a WW2 Anti-Tank Rifle in This Game?
Genuine question but how are you suppose to get this achievement?
Ivara forest captura pics
I will never get tired of this moveset 🤌
What's your favorite non meta build?
What is a change you would love to see in Warframe and think would make the game even better?
If a Quality of Life change of your choice got implemented tomorrow, which one would you like?
I don't know how well known this is, but on PC you can go into void mode with your operator and open the chat to stay in void mode without having to hold any buttons. Useful for if you need to go AFK to deal with something urgent.
My Gravity build so far. Is there anything I should change?
Swift slash spammers now that it has been nerfed
Backhand But Hole
I use the backhand blades for the riposte animation.
Some awesome lich/sister names I've seen. Feel free to share some of yours!
What are your most annoying weapon grinds?
Dumb ways to die in valhiem
Post processing effects
Post-processing effects also applied to the UI
Is my wife playing the game wrong? Explain to me like I never put a point in INT
Just a fun edit I made