Welding So Criminally Good, Only a Bad Guy Could Achieve It
At age 95, Jimmy Carter fell at home requiring 14 stitches. Despite his injuries, he showed up the next day, to help build houses for the Habitat for Humanity.
🔥 The Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards 2024
How would you rock these?
I Took the Leap with Kane Footwear - 6 Months In, Here's My Honest Review!
🔥 This baby alligator just started doing the death roll...
Keeping it tight
18,5 months :)
Sometimes I like my beard, sometimes I hate it. Should I keep it growing??
Did I make the wrong choice?
New to Music Production: Do I Need Packs for Better Orchestral Sounds in Ableton Lite?
First watch!
Beard Sweat Selfie 😂
La Plata, Argentina: A Globally Recognized Example of Exceptional Urban Planning
Caught in the wild with the craziest I’ve ever let my beard get. Cheers gents.
First trim. 🪮✂️
Let’s see those puppy eyes 🥺
Torn on rocking grey or dying
Got my beard trimmed and styled today.
Tried this corduroy shirt. Im a skinny guy, does this suit me?
43, beard is almost 9 moths old
21M patches around neck and cheeks to mouth. What can i do?
I found this on my dog back please if any one can advice
🔥 Sean Weekly’s Photographs Are Other Worldly
Artist takes hairstyling to a whole new level by transforming her hair into intricate, sketch-like artworks