"You know, the person who heals everybody up after a fight. Every Jojo has one."
Recent prints coming out as strange blocks, what could be the cause?
Battles where the victor was obvious from the get-go, but it's still genuinely saddening to see the loser fail
Rouge steals from Bower’s Castle. (@gizmo01_gizmo)
How harmful do you think memes have been for a proper understanding of 40k?
Did the Collectors edition of the Tau Codex come out?
Times The Imperium Was Right in Their Actions *Spoilers*
What colours would you use for the internals of a Rhino
Tau Tuesday-For the Greater Warrior
So is the Emperor basically officially a "Hero" or "Good Guy" now with the End and the Death Vol3?
Ydrilian Riverblades revealed at the LVO 2024 Preview. One Half of the new Warcry Pyre and Flood box set.
If the riders remove enough models that the mounts are no longer in range, do they get an attack?
Happy New Year my dudes and dudettes!
What are your thoughts on the JoJo related episodes DEATH BATTLE! made?
Because they don't make 'em like they used to, a list of mostly '90s adventure movies to watch over the holidays.
I would rather slice my arm off than buy build or paint Genestealers or the Guard
The killing blow
"Oh you poor sweet innocent children..."
A moment of silence for my bravest warrior
Now its just getting sad.
How do you transport your knights?
volume warning
How quickly allegiances change for Cat Gang
I think they call it schadenfreude?
There are normal fans of 40k factions and then there are THESE people