Who do you think would make a really great president?
Did you go into debt for your boob job and was it worth it?
If someone handed you $1,000 and told you to spend it on a gift for yourself, what would you buy?
What's a boring fact about yourself?
How do you get yourself to socialize when it is the absolute last thing you want to do?
It’s unethical how they make it impossible to cancel your design subscription
What job do you think you’d be good at even though you’ve had ZERO training?
what is the compliment you received that you will never forget?
Women of reddit, How do you feel after the thought of someone possibly jerking off to the thought of you?
Do you like living?
Why are some men only attracted to crazy girls?
Should I shave my beard or keep it long
We're almost there... 😭
My life is going to shit
Why am I scared of all my friends?
Need some advice.
Post-op Chin Lipo
What do you dream about the most?
What is your purpose in life?
It’s crazy to me how much “normal” people can do
INFP Disappearing Acts
Is it too much for a first date? 😅(30f)
Heavy snowing today ❤️ shapes and scary split ( new trick )
Taking into consideration how big the universe is there has to be a penis shaped asteroid just floating around somewhere in space
How long did it take you to be able to do a split?