What’s your take on Amen?
which perks do you guys use?
Why does tiktok allow pornography?
Help. Is my cat a Callico or Tortie?
What choice needs to be made in order for him to live?
From daddies to baddies
Stuck on loading screen
What do you name your CGs?
What do you all title your CGs?
Moira is the only hero that you can hard carry on and still get people complaining about how you play. The Cass and the the tank on my team were running their mouths about how I needed to heal more. Replay code: RM46BQ, plat 1 PC
Is the app down for everyone?
Anyone else having trouble?
Anyone else change Eamon (or Geo’s) looks
What do I do with this space in the top left corner?
Rock songs about feeling unlovable
The one thing I wanted from the reunion, but never got...
Darker skin tone struggles ??
AIO or was I sort of...dismissed?
This is exhausting…
Are we really “ghost hunters”?
Mic Issues
Having to be a tank
AIO to my gf being bisexual
I so bummed