You are offered $500,000 but only if you go into the last video game you played as the main character at the start of the game. If you survive a full year you get the money.
How soon do I need to change this tire?
A video of a delivery guy getting into a fight with 2 security guards it shows how poorly trained many security guards.
Describe a Game poorly :3
La hipocresía de los consumidores de dr0gas
I pocketed a wad of cash an acquaintance dropped on the floor 25 years ago and it's the worst thing I ever did
On today's episode of "shit nobody fu*king asked about"
Me acabo de dar cuenta que soy adulta...
Would all men cheat if came onto?
What do I do?
19F Make me cry
There’s lying and then there’s lying like this.
We bringing slavery back with this one 🔥
Lol, What...
que es esa palabra que ustedes detestan leer que escribe la gente?
what would this farmers name be?
What is this inside my Swedish fish candy?
Ida Ann Lorenzo was fired from her new job after she yanked a teen girl's skirt in public for being too short
Found at Goodwill
Who is this guy?
Hahahhhahahha 🤦
I keep getting these letters on my car, they are correct it is a paid parking spot, however I PAY FOR IT.
Guy tries to do an ATM robbery prank...and then a man runs up and does this
Si salgo a comer con un amigo y su esposa al pagar debemos dividir la cuenta entre 3?
Carrots are not food…