Best Friend Completely Ghosted
I think it might be done
Porn and deadbedroom
My wife last night
They say they want a high-libido girlfriend… Until they get one
I Keep Fantasizing About Having an Affair, and It’s Driving Me Crazy
Accidentally opened the chat. Fml fr
Has anyone left with little kids?
Question for High Libido women
SSRIs killed my libido
It’s been months since had sex and when I ask him he says it’s not normal for a women to be super horny all the time!
Am i overreacting about s/o not wanting to cuddle me/be close to me? (27 F) (30+M)
Please help me with this
Feeling so stupid for giving multiple chances
Opened up, now I'm considering walking out.
I fucked up and i need an advice
New Stage Reached
I might do it...
AITA for not teaching my dad's wife how to cook some basic meals?
This is probably the end
AITAH for not wanting to have sex with my partner?
Dead bedroom with my BF
Why am I still in this
idk what to do now my (27F) husband (32M) has stopped finding me desirable