Trans men getting sexually harassed
there is no such thing as friendship anymore because of therapists
No friends
Why should I continue trying to socialize or date as a bi man?
For queer/gay ftms, reading posts by trans lesbians
Therapist told me to make tik tok reels to cope with loneliness
Have you ever had a therapy session that you felt quite literally could’ve been a free conversation with a friend?
Why do I get beautiful vivid dreams why I'm becoming depressed? (the sleep kind)
Did anyone move out of Vancouver?
It’s 2025… what will be the new fashion/aesthetic trends?
Do Canadians find it offensive if a foreigner makes fun or impersonates a Canadian accent?
When the friend who disappeared on you is famous
Multiple rounds interviews for part time security positions
Green goddess dressing in rice
Normal to feel extremely depressed after therapy?
If everything is transactional
Trauma tourists
learning about boundaries with people who are voyeuristic about your trauma
everyone who likes me is annoying
How long did T take to kick in for you?
dealing with paralysis during dissociation/panic and associated shame in public
Why would anyone want to be a woman
My parent was a psychologist but caused me a lot of pain growing up
this is too oddly specific but i have a fear of peacock feathers