Can someone tell me what this is for? Glass cloche
Rupert’s 19 today!
Spanish Cobras of Melrose Park '00s
My sweet Dash
Radar (11+) has 2 teeth left and is going blind, loves snuggling more by the day.
My sweet boy Benny lost his fight with heart failure last night at 12 years, 8 month. He was only good. I am broken.
what kind of coat is this?
The look of pure happiness knowing a Pup Cup is coming. My 14 year old baby ❤️🥰
Lil toothless 14 yr old Cookie still going strong
Seeking info about this hat.
Tattoo by Kelsey Rodgers @ Ink Ink, Springfield Missouri
Button turned 11 today! 🥳☘️
Willy is 17 and living the good life ❤️
[Routine Help]Letting product dry?
(Routine Help) Letting product air dry?
Buddy is a 14 year old German Shepard
Helga, 20, Saturday afternoons are for napping.
1.5 years post-op
What’s a good name for this album cover?
My artichokes are back for a 3rd year!
said goodbye to my best friend Rigo yesterday, here he is in his last week st ~16 years young
January wrap up! 2024 is the year I get back into reading
Hand Done Today
Today we are celebrating old man Bob’s 14th birthday! Here are some of my favourite photos of him from the last year
Old man Nike 16yr