Africa in 1880 - Before the Scramble (Updated map)
My GF 33F left me 30M after 10-year relatinoship
Menaces de mort puis de suicide de mon ex-compagnon
Je n’arrive pas à croire ce qu’il s’est passé avec mon copain hier
Agreg SES et/ou doctorat
Préparation du CAPES/Agreg de SES pour un doctorant
French people, what is the scariest or creepiest thing you have seen?
I entered a new phase, two weeks after my 30 GF left after 10 year-relationship
UPDATE: My GF 30F left me 30M after 10-year relationship
Ma copine vient de me quitter après 10 ans
My GF just broke up with me after 10 years
Hl1 story: what did scenarists originally intend?
La meilleure de défense c'est l'attaque nucléaire
Countries with no Ethnic Majority.
Foreign investment is stupidly insane and insanely stupid.
Alternate borders of Poland and Germany following WW2
French Solution to the German Problem (Versailles Treaty)
Thoughts on Dr Breen as an antagonist/villain?
[GFM] How do I take Joseon from Russia and Qing?
What's the best country to create a extremely long conflict with millions of deaths?
Please lower tax whenever possible...
Just bought the game what should I do?
Social Policies
My grandchildren are gonna love this update