So beautiful❤️
Never Always Aberdeen Frozen Fresh Angus [x-post]
Is this still considered a starter base?
Murmansk. The longest house in Russia, ironically nicknamed by its residents "The Great Murmansk Wall". Length 1488 meters, 2200 apartments. Its own kindergarten, school and stadium are located right in the courtyard of the house.
Lawn maintenance
The Bagworm Moth Caterpillar collects and cuts small sticks, using silk to build intricate, log cabin-like structures that serve as protective mobile homes.
Joseph Stalin for the first week after the start of Operation Barbarossa
Toronto Skating Rinks are Dumb - Former Team Canada Figure skater
Replaying Jedi Academy, brings back so many memories!
Prison Security and Incarceration Rates in Europe [OC]
How to clean the cpu block's fins?
Surprised? (OC)
"God forbid a man has his own opinion"
Temple to Pregnancy
Words from Master and Margarita Ch. 1 – Do you know all of them?
Before and after of the photo edited by Vic Berger IV
Frugal mobile phone people, how long have you had your iPhone for? What’s a reasonable plan nowadays if you use a little data?
My wife of 25 years has been taking swings at me every time we pass each other at home 😂
Dream car
This Russian sentence makes me want to explode
shortened version of name Evdokija?
Who would you consider to be in the sci-fi actor hall of fame?
Do you think Ned should've told her the truth?