első poszt
Alibaba two piece from South Korean factory.
Szerintetek mire számíthatok?
To all the alastor x whatever haters.....
Why are these episodes never talked about?
Van olyan dühöngő, gumiszoba Budapesten ahova bezárkózhatsz üvölteni meg toporzékolni úgy hogy más nem hallja?
Hogyan lehetnék ujra cselekvőképes, ha gyaszolok?
I have seen this post on another sub, which got me curious. I’d like to fact check. How accurate or correct is this list about Islam’s rules of war? Are they general rules or apply only to specific cases?
A cool guide to Islam's rules of war, by Muhammad (PBUH)
Is it noticeable 🤔
Rare sight of human egg on camera
Hatalmas énén potenciál
There's a hidden 6,000-Year old forest beneath North Sea, Doggerland was a vast land bridge that connected Britain to Europe.
My fiancé stored my milk frother on its side in our fridge and now my oat milk is turning blue
The Mk. 8 hatchbacks of Europe are so freaking cool! Here’s mine. Just bought it, and I’m so damn excited and happy!
Teen Isha by Nikkotari!
Mit tehetek ha szomszédom egy infantilis gyökér?
Mit akar tőlem a lány?
Magyar Péterrel takarózik Orbán a poloskás beszéde után, kihagyva, hogy többes számban használta a kifejezést
What do you think? Was the pumch too far?
What were the cars of your childhood?
In which ways are you exactly the same as your 13 year old self?
Half of this sub lately. I think I need to finally try one myself.
Every vehicle in the world including your car has been K24 swapped! Whats your reaction along with the rest of the world?
the lines all form this circular shape around his head
iPhone 13 through the years
My iPhone 13 through the years