Cats and hypothermia, how cold is too cold
WIBTA if I told my husband he is bathing wrong?
What's your i can't believe this happened in a kids cartoon moment
what is the best Xerjoff fragrance?
What’s wrong with my kitten?
How many of you are hypersensitive?
My cat has to spend one night without urinating before having a catheter inserted for urinary obstruction.
Which of my black/darker theme setups do you like the most?
Dog licked a tiny bit of vicks vaporub on my neck and I'm now concerned
Anyone with Experience in Yorkville University's Counselling Psychology Program?
AITA for not selling a chair so my ex can use my old couch?
I want to smell like actual fruit.
All my professors have seen me cry once .
Is there a different hair tone I should try? Feel like none of these suit me
Is this lipstick too dark on me?
[routine help] White pigmentation on skin (back and legs)
How to CATCH cats in case of fire?
Blood money haul
what do you wish you could do right now?
On backup cameras
I can’t get my cat to stop howling and it’s affecting my quality of life
[routine help] I have very enlarged pores on my chest, how can I make them smaller?
untitled goose post
Severe stomach pain for almost a year
Social sork/counseling/disabilities/online programs???