Try and guess people's anime quotes
Am i the only one who thinks solo leveling is mid ??
Your favorite Bakugan quotes
Why didn't anyone just recorded Kirisaki Daichi battering Kyoshi and show it to the ref?
What's this Bakugan please?
Guess what I'm cooking
Favorite blue haired character?
Favorite purple haired character?
Should I keep using this player?
Dad making me quit basketball
Hanamiya is the 2nd best UK: hot take
Tier list of the strongest kuroko ko basket players.
Suggestions for the next anime I should watch?
Where are you sitting?
In theory, could Kuroko still do his own EE effectively in the future against the other schools?
Guess my favourite character
If this show had been the first to be over two nights, it would be looked back upon more fondly.
Question for the future of wwe
In a way… do you see Kagami and Aomine being brothers?
Which Sun and Moon moment made you the most emotional? (doesn't only have to be from the ones in the picture)
Which widely hated anime character would you defend no matter what?
I need slice of life high school romance recommendations
describe him in one word