Remember me...
At this point, let's all boycott capcut for what its doing
Which Super Saiyan 4 is better?
What tips could yall provide to where i can use this team to it's fullest potential
“I am Ferdinand von Aegir!!!!”
[FIX] This project was created by a newer version of CapCut. Update now.
Green Arrow Protest Cosplay
About Alice...
Esperanza "Spooner" Cruz
Why does Shen Long change size so much?
Raditz SS4 concept by me! Please give honest feedback it would be much appreciated!
HY300 Pro Internet problem. Anyone knows how to fix?
So halfway through the series, I've learned from the internet that the English dub is considered to be superior.
Who is your fav char, except the 3 Main chars
why is meruem so strong and is there someone who can actually beat him.
If you had to have a move used on you in real life, which one would you choose?
Should Togashi revive Yu Yu Hakusho to fix the rushed end?
What is your opinion about Dragon Ball that no one else seems to agree with?
''i heard you like kamehamehas''
This is what happens when you put 4 queer people with controversial opinions about the AV to make a Arrowverse Shows Tier List on a Discord Call lol.
Why is my soon to be wife so mad at me? I made sure to hang up a white SD on her so it blends in and doesn't even distract guests
Who is your favorite DB super character? Who should I engrave next?