Coaxed into not liking a popular piece of media.
Coaxed into not a metaphor
If A Fireman's Carry/Standing Kata Guruma hurts my back, what am I doing wrong in terms of technique?
Reactions And Reads Are Much Easier With Preparation
Neutral Strategy
Pandora is Trans Because Why not
Which game is like this for you?
The Biggest Misconception About Zoners
Playing against people who aren't good at puyo or tetris is an ego-inflating experience.
Execution Tricks
We need Solid Snake in Puyo Puyo Quest
Having a sense of rhythm is beast-like I guess
You're Trapped in Prison,The Last Character You Played Has to Rescue You. How Screwed Are You?
I find this so funny.
Shut the sub down, what the fuck is the point anymore
Just asking, I don't know if this is true, but aren't flats and sharps the same thing? For Example, wouldn't E# and F♭ be the same?
I built an interactive hexapod kinematics solver. It is fun to play with!
Everyone has been playing longer than you
Is this strategy from video games possible in reality or no?
How to I learn a character's move list?
Unspoken Tip For Very Beginners In Neutral
I couldn’t stop laughing
What key is this? B C D# E F# G A
Combining Concepts To Create New Ones
Common Ways Of Adding Chromaticism