this is sickening… a person desecrated the memorial for Sato Airi (佐藤愛里)…
齋藤飛鳥 accepts an academy award for her performance as 星野アイ in【推しの子】The Final Act!
Looking for j-pop that sounds dark, eerie, ghostly
My game experience
Program Suspensions on Hold Until Senate Review Undertaken
What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever seen at university of Toronto
iPad Air 13in and pencil pro and need to sell asap to pay bills
[Beginner] Confused myself reading this for a second
Confused myself reading this for a second
Did someone lose their phone I leaft it near the Student Commons at College Street
(UTSC) I goofed up bad (unauthorized aid) URGENTLY need advice please
C-ute CD boxset confusion
Just 2 hours ago, allied air forces began an attack on military targets in UWaterloo and The University of Toronto/ These attacks continue as I speak/ Ground forces are not engaged
As an alumnus, how do I order an official transcript without a uoft email anymroe?
Dean’s Circle of Student Scholas
Ancient Dungeons Gets Multiplayer Update and More February 6th!
U of T students express concern over anti abortion protests on campus
English / Japanese Names
CRI205 marks are out and i think i'm going to crash out lol
Bent the psvr2 cable a bit
星野アイ cosplay by 藤咲凪 with her kids. She is also an idol, except her kids aren’t a secret.
Japan authorities raise alarm over China-linked cyberattacks
[Twitter] oshinoko_lapj: ILLIT さんと B小町
なーたん (Live action ルービ) dancing to POP IN 2 on her TikTok
[IG] oshinoko_lapj: B小町のルービ (なーたん) performing 「SHINING SONG」
Damaged cord