[Gen 4] help…
[GEN 4] got this dude on platinum via pokeradar
my luck is messed up
[4] Eggs always come in handy! ✨
Hi, please add me to have more friend safaris, I’ll add you back!
I want y’all to pick my team
I got Shiny Murkrow!!
Caught this ditto in jpn pearl thought it was pretty amazing
Gold Print Achieved, now it’s time for the 100 streak and to get my last star for my trainer card. Thanks for the suggestions guys.
[Gen 4] on the verge of failing it
[GEN V] some of the shinies I got by pokeradar this last week
Hi I got some random IVs JPN Dittos for trade
Extremely lucky phone call after Radio Tower Showdown!
Just finished the game, loved this team
Good or bad
[Gen 4] over two weeks doing resets daily, its driving me crazy
[8] Living Shiny Dex - 474/1065 #658 total Next hunt: Grimer/Slugma - Alpha Sapphire
Who should be swapped for mareep?
Shiny hunting starter question.
[4] shiny treecko after 4192 sr ✨💚
Another shiny ditto…..
I hope a can beat red w this team, wish me luck
[Gen 4] Shiny Charmander after 673 soft resets :)
[GEN 4] Just got this on Diamond on my way to Walmart