How DID wonyoung get so popular??
In your opinion, what's the most common or characteristic name in your country?
What's the prettiest name you have ever Heard?
Replace one word from a kdrama title to "dick"
whose Idol has the best pink hair?
Lost 121lbs in just over a year. Ran a half marathon!
Do you guys struggle to lose weight in certain parts of your body?
What kdrama has the best ending?
What is ruining your mental health?
How many kdramas are perfect 10/10 for you?
Song Hye Kyo is the most versatile actress in the entire Korean entertainment industry.
Is there a lead character you disliked (FL/ML)?
What K-Pop related thing made you say "who the hell cares?"
TR where do you shop ?
Need slice-of-life K-drama Recs where romance is not the main focus thing.
Who is your most favourite villain in all of k drama?
Groups that sing english lyrics well?
Who's your top 3 "body goals" in kpop? GG only
How do I stop being obsessed about boys?
Bro tell the stupidest drama you ever watched and why!!
What's one piercing you want but can't have, and why?
Which dramas you think everyone should absolutely watch ?
is it really worth watching?
Rate Lim cheol soo
MY MISTER - one of my favorite dramas of all time.