The best moments in the game are when V gets recognized, and people immediately realize they’re dealing with someone extremely dangerous. It’s just sad it doesn’t happen more often.
How do you rank Cyberpunk among the open world titans of gaming?
What would you call this album?
Every outfit for v in current run, too tacky?
Holy shit nice work cdpr
Can someone tell me what weapons im missing and where to obtain?
i fucked up (allegedly)
Found a weird scripted event in Northside
The best car in the game
”Batman doesen’t kill, right??” Arkham Batman might….
do outfits have anything to do with other players hostility?
Grab your iron
I Know I’m Late, But What Should I Know Before Starting This Masterpiece?
Name ideas
What do we think of the fit?
Why insist on harassing if you are gonna get laid out everytime?
This weeks outfits, opinions?
Chinese outfits
A little music video, be gentle first time. (Rebel Path Cello Version)
Bounty hunter month
Rebel path cello version Music Video
Rate My Fit
Negan Bell
Rate my outfits
What an absolute punk… was just looking for my treasure