Alvas zaldātiņi
Pirmsrevolūcijas stāvokļa atmiņas izklīst miglā
Nevaru sagaidīt jaunos komplektus!!!
Lohu salas nepieciešamība
I finally got to see the legendary bt-42!!! The poor tank has seen better days.
KV-10 (obj. 230) with its KRAST-1 (8 x 132mm rockets) on the side of the tank.
Some classic British model kits someone in my neighbourhood was giving away
''Kārums'' sieriņu vērtējums.
How does anybody do those crazy pouches with 50mgs+?
OKDD Jēzus - atdzīvinājis šo kopienu.
Dievs, svētī Latviju!
Bigfoot Fastrax based on M41 chassis
Got this at an ink master convention
Anyone else ever seen these???
Good old MI-8 in Estonia
Interesanti roboti mums te ložņā
Greek EODH Leopard 1HEL Upgrade
Draudziņi, pēc pēdējā publicējuma noskaidroju, ka starp mums slēpjas baigi daudz Vatņiki.
Ukrainian 9P149 Shturm-S prototype
Sherman in Finland
Georgian tanks during military exercise.
put your grasses on!!
What car is this?
ZTZ96 with rubber-padded tracks
Modified turretless SK-105 Kürassier being used as a mobile platform for Bolivian president Evo Morales