Worlds Quickest [Mclaren 765LT] parked next to me last night.
About to turn 30, do your worst
Got my autocross shoes on
New driver, my very first car.
The last you will see me as Intense Blue 😎
How on earth do you come to a gentle stop???
I have another question! (Besides color)
Faded Key fob logo
Next Gen Elantra?
What’s a car that the average person would say “eww” or think nothing of it, but a car guy would be all “wow” that car is awesome? Why does it have the reaction from either side of the spectrum?
Brand snobbery is real and quite sad
No more millennial niceness in 2025
How to get yourself out of the water if you fall through thin ice.
Any of you have heard this song on the Bose Speakers?😍
Detail shop just finished up 🥹
First time driving stick, but got her home safely.
First Car?
Any advice on becoming a car guy and a good first project car?
What are some of the best looking wheels for the EN?
Absolute worst car you've ever owned?
Do you still feel lost in life?
What’s going on
Go get you one of these
Behold, the ultimate Civic.
Gotta love NY pot holes