What is the definitive classic hatsune miku figure?
What's your favourite out of this Tetos?
The Revoltech woody action figure, is just the funniestto mess around with.
He’s just like us
I present to you: PEAK
Does over exposure/popularity of a song affect your opinion of it?
Need help making a Teto playlist
Looking for fics where Taylor and the Undersiders are not major characters
Best live action Superman shirt rip. Here is my vote, what is yours?
This tweet just set us up for an unholy amount of slander.
Lmao i loved watching this (@dgdxofficial on tiktok)
What's the first word/thought that comes to mind when you think of Shinso?
Ok i'll bite, I actually thought Shin Ultraman was gonna be a dark and griddy movie when it was firat announced, Thanks Shin Godzilla
The post above this one traumatized deku. What is that post?
Ranking MHA Characters based on how annoying I think their fans are
what's your favourite kessoku band song to play? mine's flashbacker
My Zelda cosplay
Bought my first SHFigharts figure
What is your favorite Trunks-less suit? I know majority fans prefer trunks on but I wanna hear opinions on which non trunks designs you guys like the most and why?
What do y’all think of man Man of Steel collection?
What are your favorite 3 figures right now? I’ll go first!
What’s one figure you’ll never get tired of posing around?
Favorite character whose design is commonly misremembered?
Oh no, it's... Dark Gaia?
What’s your opinion on model kit action figures?