Social media infection.
Peace vs loneliness.
Time always exposes what you truly mean to someone.
Temporary settlement agreement vs final divorce decree.
Due to a sense of duty, some husbands are the guards of their own prison.
Who do you put as "emergency contact"?
Dating but not officially divorced
Need advice as I find it extremely difficult to ask my wife for divorce
Loneliness/ Dating apps
No Love or Feelings for her
Sunday sermon .
What’s the best place to spend a week worth of vacation during a divorce?
“It’s better to die on your white horse than to fall “
Question? Older children making choices.
Husbands are in love but wives are in business.
Found the love of my life
Cheating, infidelity, deceit.
What are the top things that you don’t miss
Who's my emergency contact now?!?
Wife happiness above kids stability and happiness. Your thoughts….
Red flags in possible future wives!
She has HIV
Someone enlighten me