Trump Confesses He Was ‘Sexually Attracted’ to Ivanka When She Was 13 Years Old
Dentist says I’m done and no refinements needed. Next up is whitening and bonding, for deep stains and shaping. Need others opinions! (First 2 are before and the rest are after)
So much shame around this
Favorite hole-in-the-wall local restaurant?
This is what an actual groomer looks like
Idk if it was normal and I’m just being over dramatic but it made me uncomfy :,)
Early 30s single mother of autistic twins. Have I let myself go?
This is why I prefer to just not have dreams
44m what y'all think?
23f picked my most recent pics without a filter, need some input
Using lube during sex doesn't mean I am turned off!
The very concerning state of marital status quo for Crowder supporters
Tryin again, last one got yeeted because I don't follow directions
Made my kid ask "Is tailboat a word?" What is this supposed to be?
GIVEAWAY: I'm giving away $100 to one comment in this thread to buy some new board games
People on my last post said they need this everyday so now, go to sleep >:(
20M.Half white on my face. Is that ugly to look at? Honest opinions!
What little thing in your life makes you happy?
Ladies, what are the most trivial reasons that caused men you know to absolutely lose their shit?
What is the most horrible thing someone has ever said to you?
My grandma’s lunch at her new senior living residence that’s $3K a month. Residents can’t go to the dining room to eat because they don’t have enough staff so it’s deliveries only. WTF is this?!
Who is an actor you fail to enjoy?
Month is over stop being gay
Tax the rich
Mum has been carrying out a snail census. She has now progressed from daubs of coloured (s)nail varnish to googly eyes.