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How can I achieve my goal? Free readings in comments
6 free readings! - beginner <3
Doing free mini readings in the comments ✨️
Did I mess up my daughter’s name? No one gets it!
You already know wtf goin' on baby. Free general guidance readings. Dm.
First impression
Beginner in Tarot: Offering free readings
Parent or not, what is one thing you would give a child that you did not have growing up?
Exotic/spicy female names
Help me with a new name!
Ideas for soft, eclectic girls names?
I feel like one sibling is always treated unfairly no matter what
Their Sun Sign♈️♉️♊️♋️♌️...
Short, cute vintage girl names
What is the person who I am gonna marry be like? Free short readings in comments!
Looking for a girls name that’s generally feminine but not trendy and ideally doesn’t end in a.
Anyone else’s parents have a “kind” demeanor?
Wife wants to name our twins Romeo and Juliet