Secondary 4 NT math tutor needed ASAP!
Yesterday my mother passed out
How do i deal with the fear of someone i love randomly dying?
Eating while on period during ramadan
Will a Malay Muslim get in trouble for eating openly in Singapore during Ramadan?
Update on Danya and Ebraheem
i signed up for a gym membership again.
I had a dream where Allah took my ability to see. I was reciting surahs in that dream begging for it back. Does anyone know what this might mean?
tp food
i only pray fard salah help?
let’s say i got an mc for today and tomorrow, but i attend the class tomorrow. will my attendance still be counted? or will it just say that im on mc?
I saw this video and thought it would be good to share.
Anyone else lifeless?
are there any jobs that are considered haram?
Entitled Parents
when will tp send out the other half of our bursary?
how do you say ‘have a nice day’ in malay?
What was the religion/teachings before Prophet Muhammad came down?
Pimple patch on while Wudhu
best place to travel in malaysia?
saw this a few minutes ago
i’m 20 and going on a trip by myself for the very first time.