Some people dream of having a house or retirement. I dream of dying at 40
Looking like a teenage boy instead of a woman after 2 years of hrt.
(NO hugboxing please) can you tell?
What the longest you've been clean?
Do yall have a playlist to listen to while self-harming?
I am NOT okay, thanks for FINALLY asking.
Give me a reason to not cut myself
Corsetted and all the shiny
Striped twins :3 🎬
trying to get into tank tops more, i love them!!
Im 13 and i just attempted suicide
I want to kill myself
Love that Vans go with anything!! 😁
Trump Executive Order
I started at 26. 19 is not too late. Please be safe.
What are you addicted to?
Sleep is the only escape
Pretty easy to say I don't pass
I’m transgender and so fucking scared
What is happening to the trans community?
What caused you to go deepest?
Sesame Street Vans Have Arrived!!!!
Purchase confirmation
I think if I was cis I would struggle with self harm less