Packers fans try not to ruin everything they touch challenge: impossible
Getting to do one race multiple times
8 legged Chinese man or me at your door
soup and yumi
This is WILD! 🤤
Theyre so realistic HELLO?
John Porn is calling are you picking up
Shannon Eckel and Katie Van Slyke mention
Josh is complaining about nausea and stomach pain
On kvs's recent "if you are interested in a foal"
On a MEMORIAL POST for an APHA stallion. My god
From a scale of 1 to 10, how insane are you going over the old magic horses returning?
Captain looking very bloated this morning
I ask you again fellow gooners
Some genetic information on one of the new Criollo coats!!
Kultie Reputation in AQHA
I told my husband today
Unhinged name idea from a Kultie
Mcnasty hot take (dont kill me)
I got kicked from the game???
Kulties always bringing up VSCR and FTF
Lions fans living vicariously through 1985
I am too deep into it