i just thought this was so funny
cora’s crazy fans
Cora Deep Dive Video
karma looks like she’s so annoyed by cora’s presence 😹😹
This is worse than Pepperoni Gate
idk if this has been posted yet but😭😭
what tf are we talkm bout😧
am i the only one who thinks this is super dramatic?
Karma talking about how she has a job and doesn't make that much off of tiktok and talking about how much cora makes
cora’s new hair
“My natural hair is the same length as my extensions” no
She’s so up her own ass it’s crazy
delete if low effort!
she’s going to make this her entire personality now
stop this one is killing me😭
end of her live
Probably why she was upset on live
cora talking abt college?
She needs to scadaddle.
she is everywhere
pick me
Karmas boyfriend
cora trying to justify the fact she bodyshamed a girl