New Members Intro
Rating how Throwable your avatar is
How does my normal_man look?
Guess what just happed
How rare is it to get struck by lightning 4 filping times in 4 games in a row!!!?
Show me your avatar's stronkest attacc and i will determine if it can get throught tutel's cope cages
show me your avatars and i will pixelate it
First cosplay!
Let’s Go I Got DB! What do you think other master classes will specialize in?
My son was born today. What should I name him?
Thought this was a tad bit funny
Which ones?
If you were to stop logging in for a year, where would you leave your characters today?
Best meals to use Ribbons on?
give me your pressure related images and ill add a bow emoji to it
Needed more decoration for my world (Work in progress)
Which entity is this for you?