Rate my snow outfit?
Loving this game
Its on sale on psn right now, is it still worth a buy?
Current run so far
Night time ops
Gunman position
Whats your favourite damsel in distress scene?
Beach, Bikini, Bondage!
Fired from coaching job even though I made the playoffs
Injuries question?
EA has shown they respond to the complaints. Can we rally behind allowing us to reset our coach skill tree in the offseason to offset the LVL 50 MAX
How to view coordinators’ playbooks?
NCAA accurate as fuck.
Pro tip: Development is essentially random, dev traits and gems mean nothing.
*Controversial* As someone who put thousands of hours into revamped…is anyone else bored already?
When playing the CPU I feel like passing teams with top Wrs and are air raid style are running more than passing
You will never see a crazier ending to a game in your life.
Read Option
Player gets hit and stumbles for a first down because there’s no animation to tackle him.
Clock Management
Matt Brown made a good point about briefly playing CUT and I hate it because he's right
Signs/picture boards on the sideline is confirmed
I love the crowd getting loud before he scores the TD, def putting crowd noise at 100 and commentary at 20