Wie fandet ihr Shameless?
What should I get?
An die Outlander Fans!
Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster Good start?
Don‘t know what to watch?
Serien Empfehlungen ( Comedy)
My personal favorite Stephen King book
What was the first Stephen King book that got you hooked?
My new setup
Nathan Aspinall Darts Setup
Starting my First Ever Stephen King Book!
What do you think is the “scariest” king book?
Just finished the Bill Hodges Trilogy!
Looking for books like „the idea of you“ (woman 30-40 years with a guy 18-25 years)
What was the first Stephen King book you read? (Or what hooked you)
what should i read next? needful things, billy summers, duma key, or something else? currently reading dr sleep, and i’ve read all these
Lesejahr 2024
Habt ihr Bücher oder Gutscheine zu Weihnachten bekommen?
putting them in my ranking order isn‘t as bad as I thought it would be (Funny Story #1)
Easier opening, similar to the queens gambit?
Need a setup for PS5 / GT7
What to read after Duma Key and 11/22/63?
I‘m starting Fairy Tale now 😍 Is it a good choice for winter start / christmas time?
Finally finished Billy Summers.
Different Seasons (my ranking)