How does this work ?
Any ideas on what to put in this empty floor space ?
Are the map & letter useful ?
Hemet Valley Mall (1980) | Hemet, Ca | Sept. ‘24
Started over. Bigger hook, turning and not such a tight grip on the yarn. Is it better or worse? 🫠😖I want it to be a hexagon cardigan for my niece's 3rd birthday
What's wrong with my hexagon?? First time I'm doing this and it just doesn't look right 😭🫠
What movie was so sad for you that you would never watch it again?
mesh sleeves / sweater
People who have stayed in a relationship after their partner cheated. How was it like after?
What's the deal with this little psycho?
What film made you say, "Holy shit there is still an hour left"?
If you could tell your 18 year old self three things to have a better future what would it be?
really thought this wasn't possible 😂😅
Tree barking, “barking”.
I was today years old when I found out big dogs can go upstairs ❤️❤️❤️ I love it 💗
What consistently leaves you disappointed...but you just keep trying?
If you could own any object from the set of this movie, what would it be? Costumes excluded.
Anyone else have an adhd set up like this when you crochet? Lol
I saw everyone commented that the last time the granny square color was changed, they all wanted to change the light green to dark green. Today I made this granny square with a dark green color. I hope you can comment, thank you!
Made fried chicken that I marinated in Mt. Dew voltage with a Dorito crumb breading
[Spoilers] He did a lot of bad. But in the end, he redeemed himself. And his death always hit me hardest
If you could choose how you will die, how will you die?
Me after not being able to access the game for the last 24 hours
When leaving the house, does anyone tell their pets they will be home later?
Download error...I know this was an issue a few months ago but did anyone else get this today?