I thought it was ironic but you guys actually hate him, huh?
Weekly Questions + Discussions Megathread
[2.2] New world boss
Who is your favorite character to use in open world and why is it her ?
Wuwa 2.X Roadmap
Summit1G and Tyler1 go at each other after differences over how Yamato Punishment went
Jiyan's happy that he got an upgrade.
Thanking the RNG gods I made it this far...
Tyler1 Wins The Duel And Becomes Guild Master
For those ppl who play games that are around 6months to a year old was you or your community correct in predicting which chars are a good/bad investment long term esp for the first few banners.
Sodapoppin whishes Tyler1 a merry christmas!
All 3 gachas have made it to the final round of voting
Grubby weighs in on the Onlyfangs drama
Summit Rages as Soda Explains "He Shouldn't Have Cheated"
[Wuthering Waves] "We are also excited to announce that everyone will receive the 5-Star Resonator Xiangli Yao for free during the second half of Version 1.2."
end of this year will be WILD
Juggling Crownless until his second phase
[WW - 1.2] Xiangli Yao against target via Mero
Xiangli Yao Animations via mero
Wuthering Waves CN server rollback incident
Kai responds to being called transphobic by LSF