Favorite Cinematography You’ve Seen In a Film
What others movies should I add?
Can someone please suggest a good vigilante movie
Do you have films that make you want to make films?
Whats a universally loved food that you secretly think is trash?
What's the oldest movie you have ever seen, mine is "12 angery men (1957).
What's next on your sexual bucket list?
What in your opinion is the most underrated acting performance?
What are everyone’s thoughts on booty eating or face sitting?
What’s the best/hottest someone can say to you during sex?
"Movies About Feeling Lost in Life"
What's something small that you do to make life more whimsical and fun?
What advice would you have for someone who just entered into their 30s?
What’s your unpopular but harmless opinion?
Have you ever had sex with someone within an hour of meeting them?
What was the FIRST porno video you saw?
What’s the best insult without any swear or bad words?
What's the first major news story you can remember living through as a child?
What’s an unspoken rule everyone should know?
Trying to see more romance films
Do you have a body type preference?
Any original gangster/mob movies can you recommend?
How many orgasms did you give and receive last time you had sex?
Have you ever posted nudes to reddit? Why did you do so?
Have you ever found nudes in your friends or any other's phone or pc ?