I've been reporting these two bugs to the forums for other 5 months, and absolutely nothing has been done about it. Could someone actually do something about this?
Bows were supposed to receive a reload speed reduction is Season 22 but never did. Why?
Split Fiction is great!
When are the good wizard sets for Warlock and Hunter coming out?`
Episode: Heresy: Act II Developer Livestream Megathread
Remember how in D1 there were a few exotics that gave you access to sublcass abilities for free? How broken would it be to get the same thing for Aspects or Fragments?
My friend bought the new Hulk skin by mistake, can he get a refund?
It has been two years since strand launched, yet broodweaver has received more nerfs than buffs.
Why Bungie is so slow on addressing Hunters and Warlocks Feedback?
This Week in Destiny - 02/27/2025
Please stop making Warlock aspects/exotics that deal generic "ability damage"
Ionic Sentry now works with Electrostatic Mind, but still doesn't work with Verity's Brow
(FEEDBACK) If GPG can be treated as a grenade, it's only fair the Ionic Sentry be treated the same way. Let it synnergize with fragments and mods.
Destiny 2 Update
So I don't usually like super based builds but Geomag/Chaos Reach is kinda nuts
So many aspects need a rework or big buffs.
Bungie pls. If a certain exotic sniper rifle does indeed come back, make sure to put the name in latin again.
Arc Warlock Melee Discussion
This Week In Destiny - 02/13/2025
Destiny 2 Update
Sloane is driving me insane
Bungie has confirmed that Ionic Sentry isn't working as intended and it's bugged
This Week In Destiny - 02/06/2025
TITANS : Storm's Keep do not work with Arbor Warden
Ionic sentry is terrible