What do you guys think about puppetry technique? Is it underrated or maybe insignificant?
Lapis and Sakura Costume Swap (OC)
Maddening FE3H
Fully handmade f!byleth cosplay (self)
How could you say no to this face
This line from Seteth might have the best voice acting in the series (Crimson Flower spoilers)
Making the Next Fire Emblem - Elimination Game - Round 9
Which is your favorite arc? Mine is Pain arc cause of how majestic pain was, he had a godlike aura, I even thought he is the main villian when I was watching naruto for the first time. His backstory also fully justified his actions.
Ivy vs Camilla
Some of the FE generics have SICK portraits, can't lie.
I think I like fates too much.
Finished FE6 a couple weeks ago and here’s my final tier list for my first playthrough
What is your opinion on wreaver weapons?
Bro got demoted from "Small Monster" to endemic "Aquatic Life"
Making the Next Fire Emblem - Elimination Game - Round 8
Popular/Unpopular/Any Opinions Thread - March 2025 Part 2
The new archer quit looks great
Shooting Arrows With Her Feet
Hottest fire Emblem Characters (looking for opinions)
i love you unappreciated devs and all staff of dead sword game but good god
Found this in the attic. I really loved this game
What characters in this series do you consider to have the most interesting writing in the story, or in Support Conversations?
What did I do to deserve a wow…?
You Naruto needs new media because this sub is going insane 😭💀
The Wilds female characters are TOP TIER, damn.
I present to you the most disgusting looking warden you will ever see!